New Year, New you?

The start of a new year is a great time to make some changes, whether that be related to your business goals, your health, your family or your hobbies. If you are struggling of thinking of resolutions to commit to this year, I have listed below 10 things you might like to consider!

Declutter your home

I find this particularly therapeutic, finding new homes for unused toys, for unworn clothes, and gadgets you just don’t use anymore is so cleansing. I tend to sell on facebook marketplace as the buyer usually collects from your house, saving any hassle of a trip to the post office. It’s also nice knowing that another person will get the benefit from your initial purchase, rather than just binning it.

Break a bad habit

This could be a huge range of things, anything from smoking and drinking, to biting your nails. Decide what habit it is you want to break, and make a plan of how you’re going to achieve it. One of my personal bad habits is chewing my gums – my dentist tells me off for it every time I go for a check up! So that’s something I’m going to try and curb in the new year!

Make time for people who matter

It’s so easy to become so wrapped up in life, whether that be family activities, running the kids around to clubs, school events, working or chores, that we forget to make time for the people in our lives that matter.

Rekindle your love for an old hobby

Did you used to paint in school, write or rollerskate? Make this the year that you connect with an old hobby that you loved once, I promise you it will make you smile 😊


Another nice goal to set for the new year is to learn more. I know my husband and I have always wanted to learn a new language but never quite found the time to do it, we’d really like to learn a bit of Spanish so that when we travel we can sit in a restaurant and converse quite confidently with the waiter!

Spend less time on your devices

This is probably a huge one for a lot of people – I know I flick through my phone a lot more than I’d like to admit, and it’s something I think a lot of us would like to cut down on in the New Year. I intend to put the phone down more often and be present with my family.


Personally I find that 30 minutes a day, even if it’s just a walk, has a huge effect on my clarity and my overall happiness. I’m always so much more productive when I’ve had some fresh air and some exercise. I’ll be aiming to hit my 10,000 steps a day this year as much as possible which anyone who is office based knows is no easy task!

Healthy Eating

This could be as simple as cutting out processed foods, eating a little less or learning some new recipes. I think as a nation we always overindulge over Christmas so January is a great time to kick those eating habits when you’re probably a bit fed up of cheese & chocolate!

Step out of your comfort zone

Try something new this year! You might fancy trying a new sport (last year I tried paddleboarding and fell in love with it), or perhaps visiting a new place, dating again, wearing different clothing that you’ve always wanted to try but never been brave enough to. The list is endless!

Get organised

You will thank me for this later! Getting organised is so important in keeping your head above water. I recommend having a calendar (I use my iPhone calendar to organise my business, my husband’s business, and my clients businesses and it’s so easy to keep on top of everything in one place!)

File your paperwork away, have dedicated folders for bills, insurances, tax returns etc, then when you need to pull anything out, it’s within easy reach.

Make lists! Even the most organised of people will forget things (me included) and so I have lists. I use my notepad in my iPhone or Evernote. If I need to remember to do something, I write a list or I set myself a reminder to do it at a time I know I’ll be able to focus on it.

IF getting organised is something you’d like to outsource, how about hiring a virtual assistant to do it for you? Email me here for more information or book a call here.

Happy New Year! I’m so excited to see what this year brings.